Server refused to allocate pty (FIX)

Ethan [email protected]
Mon Aug 30 14:27:12 2004

> So you want Dropbear to allow logins with the password which has its hash
> in /etc/shadow? Dropbear doesn't use login, so whatever tinylogin is doing
> is probably different. Although underneath, they might be calling the same
> libc functions (getpwnam() etc). The first thing to check is probably that
> Dropbear has shadow support compiled in, look for SHADOW in config.h
> What error message appears in the Dropbear logs (or on standard error if
> you run it with -E)?

Okay, but tinylogin and dropbear seem to be failing in the same manner, so
maybe I'm missing an underlying library. I have libcrypt in place. I would
imagine if it was using the /etc/password then the X in the password field
would cause the crypted hash comparison to fail and the login not to be