-Y that proxies over a socket, á la -J 'nc HOST PORT'

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso sdaoden at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 02:15:09 WST 2013

first of all -- thanks for Dropbear.
It made me get rid of all remaining rlogin(1) use cases, because
it's so small and inexpensive!

One problem i had with plain, user mode network stack qemu(1)
hostfwd= VMs, however, which yet ended up as, e.g.,

  $ dbclient -J 'nc HOST PORT' steffen at crux3

The patch dbear-Y.diff implements a simple replacements of the
arguments of connect_remote(), so that the above ends up without
intermediate nc(1) proxy:

  $ dbclient -Y [HOST:]PORT steffen at crux3

Well, i really don't want to miss it again..
dbear-a2i-trail.diff checks that there is no trailing garbage in
the argument to m_str_to_uint(), which silently hit me when
i (stupid) tested -Y with hexadecimal port numbers.
Greetings to Beautiful Australia and ciao,

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