[CDG5] MPW code mysteries

Daniel B-J danielbj314 at verizon.net
Fri Dec 28 11:34:31 AWST 2018

> I don't understand this message. What do I need to put there in order to get the base address of TOC placed there?
Perhaps DC.L TOC[TC0] - Data_Start + Data_Base_Address? Data_Start is the label that ends up at 0x00100000 and Data_Base_Address is 0x00100000. Haven't tested it.

> I wonder how Apple guys managed to put 0xDEADBEEF into TVector's TOC? Do you have any clue?
I'm guessing they did it in assembly. Or maybe there are some special macros in the Universal Interfaces for working with TVectors? Special casting trickery? You might be able to cast a TVector to an int array or a struct or something. Not sure.

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