[CDG5] CubeE status

Daniel B-J danielbj314 at verizon.net
Sun Nov 18 00:33:00 AWST 2018


It currently doesn't build because some of the .rdump files use a notation that macresources is unfamiliar with.

An example is the file BuildCubeE/BootableMPW/System.rdump. Here is a line it doesn't like:
b"data 'snth' (11, $71 /*sysheap, purgeable, locked, _compressed*/) {

the parse_rez_code function is macresources understands neither the hexadecimal notation for resource attributes, nor comments inside the parenthesis. The 'args' variable inside it ends up in a weird state:
[('nonstring', bytearray(b'11')), ('nonstring', bytearray(b'$71')), ('nonstring', bytearray(b'/*sysheap')), ('nonstring', bytearray(b'purgeable')), ('nonstring', bytearray(b'locked')), ('nonstring', bytearray(b'_compressed*/'))]

This causes a AttributeError when the code attempts to do this:
rsrcattrs |= getattr(ResourceAttrs, arg.decode('ascii'))

There is no ResourceAttrs attribute '$71'.
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