why no DSA support?

Alejandro Mery amery at opensde.org
Sun Nov 9 18:56:07 WST 2008

Quentin Arce escribió:
> I'm sure this is noted some place.  I couldn't find why in the source / doc / google.  So, why doesn't dropbear support DSA keys?
Hi Quentin,
dropbear does support them

$ dropbearkey
Must specify a key filename
Usage: dropbearkey -t <type> -f <filename> [-s bits]
Options are:
-t type    Type of key to generate. One of:
-f filename    Use filename for the secret key
-s bits    Key size in bits, should be a multiple of 8 (optional)
           (DSS has a fixed size of 1024 bits)
-y        Just print the publickey and fingerprint for the
        private key in <filename>.

Alejandro Mery

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