Multiple auth requests?

Fabrizio Bertocci fabriziobertocci at
Sat Mar 17 07:10:53 WST 2012

Hi guys,
I'm working on a project that uses dropbear, and I'm modifying the code to
add a custom lookup mechanism for pub/priv keys that uses a database
instead of a file.
While debugging it, I've noticed that the server sometimes receives message
type 50 (that I understand it means auth. request) more than once.
The server, every time it receives an auth request, always attempts to
authenticate the client like it's the first time.
To limit the load on the server and reduce the number of calls to the
database, I was wondering if somebody (Matt?) can help me understanding if
it is safe to 'cache' the auth state (or, since it's already present in
ses.authstate, reuse that value) and send back immediately the previous
auth state.

Unfortunately right now I'm on dropbear 0.52 (it's very stable for me and
I'm not very motivated to upgrade to the latest version yet).

Any help is highly appreciated!!
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