help with debugging "Close for unknown channel 0" in dropbear-0.53.1

Bodo Meissner bodo at
Tue May 8 00:55:31 WST 2012

Hello all,

I need some help with debugging.

I'm using dropbear-0.53.1 on an embedded Linux system and try to use 
the free SSH.NET library to copy files with SCP inside an application
on a Windows PC.

On the PC I get errors 
"An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." 
which correspond to syslog messages 
" dropbear[4775]: Exit (system): Close for unknown channel 0"
on the device. (always channel 0)

In the library SSH.NET the remote channel number is always 0 resulting in
channel close messages with channel number 0.

Now I want to find out what's wrong here.

The application on the PC opens an SSH connection and tries to keep it open
permanently for as many SCP transfers (sequentially) as necessary.
Does dropbear always use the same channel number 0 in this case?

Maybe the library sends a wrong channel number?
Or it might try to close the same channel twice?

How can I debug this on the device?
I am able to recompile dropbear for the device, but if possible I don't
want to use a newer version.

I already compiled dropbear with -DDEBUG_TRACE. It is difficult to see the
output because dropbear redirects most of it to /dev/null.

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