-Y that proxies over a socket, á la -J 'nc HOST PORT'

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso sdaoden at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 19:56:25 WST 2013


Matt Johnston <matt at ucc.asn.au> wrote:
 |Steffen Daode Nurpmeso <sdaoden at gmail.com> wrote:
 |>  $ dbclient -Y [HOST:]PORT steffen at crux3
 |Thanks for the patch. To clarify, is the reason for using \
 |this so that "crux3" is used to lookup the known_hosts key?

oh no, it's just old ssh habit -- 'dbclient -Y PORT crux3' works
just fine.
There is a typo in the documentation part of the patch, 'be shall
be' can also be reduced to 'shall be' i think...



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