[tech] Re: [wheel] things fixed this week

Andrew Williams andrew at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Thu Oct 21 19:10:12 WST 1999

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:32:15 +0800, Ian McKellar wrote:

>And we have a standard place for these sort of docs: /home/wheel/docs/
>Unfortunately people making changes to the systems don't seem to have been
>keeping them up to date.

The history of /home/wheel/docs is:

-Created by me, back in the mists of prehistory (ie before I started
saving all my email, sometime in 1995).

-Mentioned by Dunc in the email below, but AFAIK he never actually set
up the auto-saving email thing.

-Mentioned by Nick in <19970310011916.02903 at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> a few
weeks later. In the same message, he introduces David Basden as a new
wheel member. This is replied to once by Chinnery.

-Mentioned by Nick in <19970421121933.17271 at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> when he
writes the "BringingUpMermaid" document.

-Not mentioned or used at all until today.

So from 1995 to 1997, nobody used it much. There was a brief mention
early in 1997, then everything went quiet until late 1999. I expect it
will be some time around christmas 2001 before the next time anyone
even mentions the concept of wheel documentation, and some time in 2003
before the next document actually



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