[tech] mirror.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au

Grahame Bowland gbowland at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue Aug 15 00:09:04 WST 2000

Hi guys,

I got bored and set this up. Mermaid now answers to mirror.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au 
and mirror.waix.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au which are different IPs to its main address.
Apache is running an IP-based virtual host to show the site. This shouldn't 
be able to cost us money if people use it.

At the moment the main features are a complete mirror of the latest Cygwin, 
FreeBSD and NetBSD ISOs (Tartarus accounted :), Mozilla M17 for various 
platforms (also Tartarus accounted ) and Plan 9. I've also put various RFCs 
up in uncompressed format and some of the W3 specs.

Have I done anything stupid or clueless while setting this up? :) Just thought
I should check before telling people about it.

BTW: did real virtual hosting so we can provide FTP and rsync off it.

Tiredly and fearing `netusage`,

Grahame Bowland - http://gbowland.ucc.asn.au/

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