[tech] Down! With the machine room ;)

Andrew Williams andrew at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Wed Sep 13 23:23:59 WST 2000

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 06:52:32 +0800, Ian McKellar wrote:

>Sure, but if I give you my assignment thats due tomrorrow afternoon tomorrow
>night, can you submit it for me?

I'd guess it only works if you do it via email...

>PS: Could you post a breif explanation of exactly how to set up ntp? I fail
>every time I try.

Err, on what platform, and from what source, and what 'failed' when you
tried it before? You mean things like hardware time sources, and
authentication? A couple of years ago I spent about 3 months on and off
getting NTP to lock to a Garmin GPS. Don't try using a Garmin gps as a
time source, it's not worth the pain - they interpret the NMEA spec in
a way that's technically correct but very annoying. 


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