[tech] UCC domain file creator

James Andrewartha trs80 at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Wed Mar 14 18:52:56 WST 2001

I've made a python script that takes two config files (one for the zones,
one for the hosts) and generates ucc.asn.au, ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au,
waix.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au, 13.95.130, 42.26.172 and members.conf (for the
ucc.asn.au virtual domains). It is located in ~trs80/prog/zonemake, and
even has (some) documentation. It outputs zone files that look pretty much
like the current ones, except without all the old machines. The current
zone files are stored as *.orig, so you can compare if you want.

Which brings me to the question as to whether the zone files should
contain all these old machines and host names. Quick notes are located in
ucc.domain.notes, but basically, the zone files are not currently
consistent (which this program is supposed to fix) and contain lots of old
hosts that no longer exist (as far as I can tell). Should the new zone
files continue to have these hosts for historical purposes, or should they
be purged?

The actual program is zonemake.py ([01]zonemake.py are earlier
versions). It reads in ucc.domains and ucc.machines (and passwd at the
moment, but I will modify it to use yp soon). The documentation is in

So, have a look at the program, and tell me 
a) if it's a decent way to generate consistent zone files for UCC
b) about any bugs and poor coding style you can find.

"There's nobody getting rich  |  TRS-80              UCC Fresher Rep
 writing software that I      |  Email:    trs80(a)ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
 know of" - Bill Gates, 1980  |  Web:       http://trs80.ucc.asn.au/

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