[tech] WAIX IPs and zones

James Andrewartha trs80 at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Mon Sep 15 22:35:36 WST 2003

Ok, WAIX IPs for most things are set up, both on their interfaces and in
the zone files. open.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au is now the zone for 172 IPs, WAIX
IPs are done manually again, since a) it'd be a bitch to fix^Wimprove
zonemake to deal with them b) we don't have direct access to the reverse
zone c) they shouldn't change that much anyway.

# TRS-80              trs80(a)ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au #/ "Otherwise Bub here will do \
# UCC President        http://trs80.ucc.asn.au/ #|  what squirrels do best     |
[ "There's nobody getting rich writing          ]|  -- Collect and hide your   |
[  software that I know of" -- Bill Gates, 1980 ]\  nuts." -- Acid Reflux #231 /

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