[tech] google and ucc mailing list archives

David Adam zanchey at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Mon Jul 18 18:20:14 WST 2005

On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> <enormous link>
> My student account is now being spammed.
> Can someone please remove the ucc mailing lists from google somehow and,
> if possible, lock the archives to subscribers only?

The standard response from most of the mailing lists I am on is
"tough, use a spam filter".

I believe that disabling the archives from Google (how we remove them is
beyond me, and according to several sources, it's beyond Google too)
and/or making them subscribers only is a bit overkill - we have a lot of
valuable technical information on our lists, and Google is the best way
to search them.

Plus, your account is now on at least one spammer's list, so this is
clearly something of a stable-door action.

Patches to Mailman to obfuscate the archives are probably a Good Idea(tm)
- are the GNOME patches available?

David Adam

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