[ucc-announce] General, Coke and Door Meetings

Anita Mathers [email protected]
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:19:36 +0800 (WST)

This is a notice of UCC's forthcoming General Meeting.  It will be held on
Sunday April 8 at 12 noon in the Cameron Hall Loft.  The agenda includes
Election of Vice-President, Election of OCM and Changes to the
Constitution.  If you have an item you would like to put on the agenda you
should email me privately.  Nominations for VP and OCM are open and will
be accepted until the election. 

The proposed changes to the Constitution are as follows:
Grahame proposes to amend s15.6 of the Constitution to read (changes
underlined _ _): 
Any member of the Committee may demand at any meeting of the Committee
that the meeting be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Debate set
out in the Standing Orders of Parliament _(Australian Federal Government -
House of Representatives)_ whereby the Chair shall be deemed to be the
Anita proposes to amend s18.11.2 to read (additions underlined _ _,
omissions in brackets): 
Except where stated otherwise in the constitution, a motion shall be
passed if a majority of _received votes are in favour of_ (those present
vote for) the motion.
If the amendment to s18.11.2 is passed, Anita proposes to clarify the
issue by inserting a new section - s18.11.3 - as follows:
A received vote from a member not present at the meeting shall be known as
a proxy vote and will be accepted as valid where the member has written
their vote on paper, signed and dated it, and it has been presented to the
Secretary before the meeting.

At 11:30am on the same day UCC will hold a combined Coke and Door group
meeting.  All members of either or both of these groups are required to
attend to maintain their status.  Apologies will not be accepted.

Anita Mathers
Secretary of UCC 2001
Secretary of UniSFA 2001