[ucc-announce] UCC News, Midexams Edition

Davyd Madeley davyd at madeley.id.au
Sat Nov 11 13:45:45 WST 2006

The midway through (haha, some of you still have) exams edition.
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Things in this UCC News:
 - Pizza and Beer night (Nov 17)
 - Cleanup (Nov 19)
 - Coffee
 - Behaviour in the Clubroom

 Pizza and Beer Night
Friday Nov. 17, the UCC will be celebrating the end of the year's slog
in style, with beer and pizza. We're much to slack to get and get any
sort of liquor permit, so we're going to be drinking in the tavern and
then eating pizza in the clubroom (more drinking may then follow). Turn
up in the evening with money for food and drink.

The room is pretty filthy at the moment, so we thought this was a good
time to hold a cleanup. We will still need another before O'Day, but at
least it means the room should be relatively tidy over summer. The
cleanup is on Sun Nov. 19 (that's new week). All door members are
expected to attend. Failure to attend may result in sanctions (up to and
including beatings). Cleanup starts at 1pm.

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. Linux Australia are
fundraising by selling coffee. Blends and sizes of coffee available are
in this brochure:


David Adam has agreed to coordinate orders for the UCC, so if you're
interested, get in touch with him.

 Behaviour in the Clubroom
Finishing on a serious note: there have been some complaints about the
conduct of some club members in the clubroom, particularly with regard
to racist or sexist comments.

Be aware that this behaviour is absolutely unacceptable. Members are
reminded of the UWA Charter of Student Rights which, as a
Guild-affiliated club, the UCC is bound by:


Door members will not hesitate to ask you to leave the clubroom if you
conduct yourself in a way which violates club members' rights to be free
from all sexual, physical and racial harassment and from other
inappropriate behaviour under section 2.1.3 of the Charter.

The UCC committee retains the right under section 21 of the constitution
to cancel the membership of any member who has acted in a manner
contrary to the best interests of the club.

--- ---
You have been reading UCC News, the UCC's electronic electronic
newsletter that goes a long time between drinks.

Davyd Madeley

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