[Uccarbor] Ok...

Leighton Haynes dayta at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Sat Dec 2 20:16:54 WST 2006

Ok guys.. thought I'd try to start the ball rolling by asking what
people think they're capable of.

I theoretically have good credentials in Direct3D, though I'm rusty as
hell ;) I'm more interested in doing wacky effects - whether they be 2
or 3d. We can probably get away with using an available 3d engine, which
given the time constraints is probably the go.

If you want to get some ideas, www.scene.org is the canonical place to
download demos from. In my experience the best demos are the ones that
choose a theme and stick to it - anything else comes across as
disconnected, even if it might be impressive from a coding point of


#0421 113 305 - dayta at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
"Linux is legacy, but it will be a start." Ken Kutaragi - SCE

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