[tech] UCC Systems Update

James French frenchie at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue Mar 23 14:47:42 WST 2010

Hi All,

Quick status update for tech (wheel you can stop reading now, nothing new).

We've managed to get the core UCC services up and running by moving them to
the Faculty of Arts server room. There has been a bit of magic to make it
all work (which will need to be undone when we move back).

Our priority has been on things which are sensitive to extended downtime
(DNS and SMTP). We're currently looking at ways that we may be able to
bring up some of the other non-time critical services such as the websites,
but are not making any promises about having anything up before the room is

What services are available:
- UCC mail (no webmail or pop3/imap access at this point)
- UCC mailing lists
- UCC hosted DNS
- SSH access to Martello (and /home)

What is unavailable:
- The website
- Member sites
- Jabber
- Colo machines
- Anything Cameron Hall based (doors sensors, dispense, etc)

A big Thanks should go to Toivo and Chawa from ITS who've pulled out a lot
of the stops today. They rushed our routing changes and mail delivery
changes through the door to get us back online.

Keep your eyes peeled for updates


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