[ucc-announce] UCC-News - AGM Reminder &c - 20070317B

David Adam zanchey at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Sat Mar 17 20:31:32 WST 2007

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  ...> WHERE gratuitous_ascii_art = TRUE AND
  ...> date = "20070317" AND
  ...> NOT style = "Irish"
  ...> ;

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     now with 100% less referential integrity

Welcome to the It's-St.-Patrick's-Day-And-I-Haven't-Had-A-Beer-Yet edition
of UCC News, the newsletter that's more fun than debugging PHP!

In this issue:
 - AGM Reminder
 - Drinks and Snaxx
 - Deals from Microsoft


That's right, shoppers, this Tuesday at 1pm is the 2007 Annual General
Meeting for the University Computer Club. It's held in the Guild Meeting
Room (if you don't know where that is, come up to the clubroom by about

We've got committee positions just flying out the door, and they've all
got to go! Anyone can run for President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, or Ordinary Committee Member, and we've got a special offer for
all the freshers who turn up - a once-in-a-lifetime chance at the Fresher
Rep position.

Remember, voting will done by the "N-1" system. The UCC does not allow
voting by proxy.

Drinks and Snaxx (formally known as Snacks)

Our vending machines don't just fill themselves, you know! Well, if you'd
been within a few hundred metres of the Coke machine being filled, you
probably would know that. Occasionally, though, someone has to go and get

Sam, our treasurer, wants to let you know that for anyone interested,
mainly freshers and prospective treasurers, he will be doing an FAL run on
Monday (19th March, 2007) afternoon from about 1-2pm-ish. He'll be buying
chips, maybe some ribena and anything else cheap/interesting. He can take
1 or maybe 2 people, unless someone really wants to volunteer an
alternate, larger vehicle (family sedan or bigger).

Deals from Microsoft

Some people might have seen that Microsoft have been offering students
copies of Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate for massively reduced prices.
We've been talking to their Australian marketing team and we're going to
have copies of the CD in the clubroom some time next week, and more
details on how to order.


That's all from us this week - please come to the AGM! I promise it won't
drag out too long!

David Adam
UCC 0x20nd President
zanchey at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au

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