[ucc-announce] UCC News: O'Day Edition 2010 (19/2/2010)

David Adam zanchey at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Fri Feb 19 18:10:01 WST 2010

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: news.ucc.asn.au

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< Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010
< Content-Type: text/ucc-news
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The information broadcast from the University Computer Club.
New Members || Events || Planet UCC || O'Day || 2010 Renewals

New Members

Welcome to all our new members!

If you haven't been up to the clubroom yet, come and check it out. We're
located on the second floor of Cameron Hall, above the UWA Tavern.
You'll find the entrance to Cameron Hall in the courtyard between the
Tavern and Shenton House (indigenous studies).

Better directions:


Many of you have already created your accounts, but if you haven't, come 
on up to the clubroom and ask for a Wheel or Committee member. A UCC 
account is the only way to access most of our systems and networks, so 
your UCC membership is useless without it.

More on accounts:


There are some important events coming up that everyone - especially 
freshers! - should know about:

Fresher Welcome: Friday 5 March 2010 from 7:00PM in the clubroom - come 
along and get to know UCC members old and new, tour the machine room, and 
eat some pizza. Pizza is FREE for first-time members!

UCC AGM: Tuesday 9 March 2010 from 1:00 PM in the Guild Meeting Room - the 
most important committee meeting of the year, where we decide who will run 
the club for the next twelve months. 

See also: http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/events/

Planet UCC

Members with weblogs are welcome to join our Planet.


All that is required is a sensible RSS or Atom feed and to contact
the Planet Master via planet at ucc.asn.au


O'Day went off with a bang again this year, with beautiful weather and a 
good number of sign-ups.

 - 59 new members
 - 30 new accounts created
 - 31 renewals

A big thank you to all who helped. This year, our O'Day efforts were 
masterminded by Bob Adamson and Matt Didcoe, with assistance from Chris 
Squire, Daniel Axtens, Alex Dawson, Nick Bannon, Adam Marshall, John 
Hodge, Luke Williams, Rufus Garton-Smith, David Adam, James Andrewartha, 
David Gow and those I have undoubtedly forgotten.

2010 Renewals

Account fees are now due for all past members for the 2010 membership 
year. For details on how to renew, see:



David Adam
UCC Committee 2009
zanchey at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au

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