[Uccarbor] Skeleton project

Leighton Haynes dayta at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Sun Dec 3 15:08:37 WST 2006

On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 01:58:22PM +0800, Luke Williams wrote:
> I've got some free time today so I can write a skeleton project to
> start off the coding.  I'm going to go ahead and assume we'll be using
> C++ for the body of the project, question is do you all want to write
> the whole thing in it? I was thinking of embedding a a fast scripting
> language, LUA or maybe Python. This actually makes stuff like
> configuration trivial, so I think it's well worth it. Perhaps a wheel
> member can also set us up on CVS. Thoughts?

Sounds great to me :)

I think C++ is the way to go for this. I'm actually tempted to try and
use some 3rd party 3d engine. There's a few of them around, and they'll
make life _so_ much easier. Thoughts?


#0421 113 305 - dayta at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
"Linux is legacy, but it will be a start." Ken Kutaragi - SCE

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